Commercial Services

Commercial and Industrial Energy Services

Why Redwood Energy Solutions?

Our mission at Redwood Energy Solutions is to find your hidden savings in energy use, and prioritize practical energy solutions for your buildings to fulfil your ESG and Net Zero targets:

  • Solar Projects – Rooftop PV, ground mount, carport, customized solutions
  • EV Charge Stations and Energy Management Systems (EMS)
  • Battery Storage
  • Light Upgrades – LED Retrofits
  • HVAC
  • Commodity Purchasing
  • Government Incentive Processing
  • Maintenance and Support
Redwood Energy Solutions
Solar energy in Toronto ON

A Changing World

In 2023 the opportunity the need to have a strategy to Zero Carbon or Net Zero is real.

Building sustainable solutions within the building energy infrastructure is necessary.

Net Zero goals with measured results in obtainable. It starts with the right plan.

How we Support your Net Zero and ESG Targets

Redwood works with your team to hit your ESG and Net Zero targets with the appropriate comprehensive sustainable solution while providing metrics key to measuring your Company’s initiatives to reduce your Carbon Footprint and achieve Net Zero targets.

 The timing is never better to review your building’s energy use – and make some small implementations that will optimize and save for the next 25 years +.

Your business is ready, and the planet needs your attention.

Our Process

Let’s Get SET for Success

As the best solar energy company in Toronto, we take care of all the steps for your energy savings project.

Our approach is comprehensive and looks at your building’s energy consumption today and plans for tomorrow with SMART goals and Best-in-Class solutions to implement energy optimization with solar, LED, EV, HVAC, and Battery Solutions.

We get started with a holistic assessment of where opportunities to optimize exist at your building by looking at your energy Source, Equipment, and Time of Use. (SET)

  • Source
  • Equipment
  • Time

Once we have you SET up for success – it’s game time and we can finalize you best options for energy savings, reduced carbon footprint, and measured improvements for internal metrics or program qualifications.  Contact us today and get started!

redwood-installer of solar panell

How do we get Started?

Our process is streamlined to provide your team company a customized energy savings report and proposal at no cost quickly and accurately.  

What Can you Expect?

Products and Services

Commercial Solar

Why go Solar Now?

Our team of experts has worked on commercial solar projects across North America and Caribbean markets.  Our approach is focused on long-term production, cost-effective solar solutions.

  1. Commercial Solar pricing on product has reduced nearly 90% in last 10 years. It is affordable.
  2. Governments in Canada and USA have supplied ITC – Income Tax Credits – to support renewable energy development for residential and commercial markets.
  3. Government of Canada issued a game changing Tax Incentive for Commercial businesses with an ITC – Income Tax Credit – that can be 20-40% of your qualified project costs announced in 2023.
  4.  Zero Costs UpfrontPower Purchase Agreements (PPA) and Financed Solutions simply energy upgrades without the need for Capital Expenditure. Put the energy upgrades into operating costs with ongoing monthly payment – not budget limited investments.  Receive the benefits of going GREEN without the financial pinch and pay less each month than now.
  5.  Utility Rates continue to Rise Solar hedges against utility price increases with a lowered levelized energy cost per unit (kWh) for decades.

      We also offer residential solar panel installation!

EV Solutions – Are you EV Ready?

It’s time to think strategically about your current and future EV reality.  How many stations this year is part of the question.  What do the next 10-20 years look like for your power use?

Our team is connected into each market across Canada and the USA for EV incentives and best in class solutions for long term reliable planning and execution.

5 Steps for EV Success

  1. Confirm your existing goals and capacity.
  2. Create Customized Solutions to max incentives.
  3. Demonstrate EV Proposal with No Money Down Program options.
  4. Design and Installation of Project
  5. Support and Maintain system.

Why Redwood for your EV Needs?

  1. We build smart solutions looking at a buildings existing and future load demand. Achieving the right solution will mean avoiding headaches and costs in the future when your needs grow.
  2. Work with our EV incentive experts to maximize your incentive for EV projects.
  3. No Money Down solutions
  4. Strong maintenance support with a network of EV Service providers across North America and Caribbean

Battery Storage & Solar

Battery Storage has emerged in the past decade as a game changing product to support solar development.   It also provides backup power to be used as necessary in power outages and can enable some nimble power use to create avoid peak power times and Global Adjustment costs.

Commercial and Industrial buildings with solar would benefit from batteries in most applications.

Large lithium-ion batteries can help businesses to use their solar power when they want (when the utility is expensive) and use the utility electricity when they want (when it is cheap).

This strategy can eliminate massive costs for businesses and penalize when using Peak Power and other adjustments. Ex. Global Adjustment in Ontario, Canada

Why Solar and Battery?

  1. Cost Effective – manage your power supply to create savings.
  2. Full Protection from Power Outages
  3. Larger Solar Projects Functionality

Lighting – LED and Customized Solutions

Upgrades your warehouse, office, or factory with existing fluorescent, halogen, metal halide, and other lights to LED lights.  The change in quality is noticeable, savings are profound, and incentives are available now.

Redwood works with the best in the business for lighting products to give you a choice in the product you need.  Detailed analysis provided in your savings plan.

Why upgrade your business lighting to LED with Redwood?

  1. No Money Down – upgrade your lights and pay monthly without capital expenditure.
  2. Save on Energy Use – LED use 90% less energy than incandescent lights and last 40X longer.
  3. Improve light quality for a healthy and safe work environment.
  4. Take advantage of our expert incentive team across North America and Caribbean markets to design your project to maximize your monthly savings for years ahead.

HVAC – AC and Heat Pumps

Heating, ventilation, air conditioning – HVAC covers a range of mechanicals within your building that control climate and delivery of fresh air.

Incentives and product decisions differ depending on your use, environment and costs and budget.

Significant incentives are applicable for upgrades that can be included in solar, battery, LED projects.

We will review your HVAC Incentive options on site visit and incorporate them into your savings plan.

Commodity Purchasing

Deregulated markets present unique purchasing options for commercial users in North America. Gas and electricity purchasing for future consumption is a common hedge deployed on rising or unpredictable market costs. A detailed review of your energy consumption, time of use, historical use, and future projected consumption will be supplied in your project analysis and included in your savings plan.

Government Incentives

Understanding the incentives and incentive process is key to your project’s ROI and timely completion. Our team works closely with you to ensure clarity on the incentives available at Federal, state, provincial levels to ensure an attractive savings plan.


Channel Partner

Connect with us and join the Redwood Network of channel partners.

• Redwood Energy served in different industries and has a network of channel partners across North America and the Caribbean markets that connect our sales team to qualified customers interested in our services.
• Channel partners play a key role in introducing Redwood Energy to new business opportunities.
• Contact us today to see if you would qualify as a channel partner in our affiliate program.